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“庆祝建校四十年”系列学术活动之三元名家论坛:Rocking Shallow Foundation for improved seismic performance of soil-structure system
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讲座主题:Rocking Shallow Foundation for improved seismic performance of soil-structure system(摇摆基础:抗震工程设计的新理念)

专家姓名:Lijun Deng






The design of conventional shallow foundations is well known to geotechnical engineers, owing to the contributions of Terzaghi, Meyerhof, Vesic, and so on. The foundations are designed for the bearing capacity (a.k.a. ultimate limit state) and settlement (a.k.a., serviceability limit state); the serviceability usually governs and often results in an excessively large factor of safety against the bearing failure. Such foundations are considered “fixed” base. The philosophy of fixed-base foundations sometimes led to surprisingly poor performance of soil-structure systems when an earthquake struck, as observed in many case studies. The opposite philosophy, which allows the uplift and detachment of shallow foundations (termed “rocking foundations”), has drawn the attention of researchers and practitioners. The idea of rocking foundation has been accepted in the seismic design guides of Canada, USA, and New Zealand. However, further research is needed to delineate the engineering performance. This seminar will introduce a research program on the performance of full-scale rocking systems subjected to cyclic loads in the field, carried out at UAlberta. The systems consist of a concrete footing, column, and superstructure mass. The performance indicators, including capacities, damping ratios, residual settlement, residual rotation, were quantified to pave the road for subsequent design procedures. Particularly, a method was developed to quantify the capacity of rocking foundations subjected to oblique cyclic loads.


邓丽军,加拿大阿尔伯塔大学土木与环境工程系副教授,2013年初入职阿尔伯塔大学。2012年博士毕业于加州大学戴维斯分校,2006和2003年获清华大学水利工程系硕士和本科学位。岩土工程方向,主要研究领域包括基础工程,土与结构相互作用,岩土工程离心机模拟,土动力学,寒区岩土工程等。目前已独立指导博士生(在读和已毕业)八名,硕士生近二十名,支持访问学生学者12名。共发表期刊论文50余篇。获得多项加拿大基金及工业界项目支持项目,总资助金额超过300万加元。两次获岩土行业协会期刊Canadian Geotechnical Journal Editor's Choice奖励,2019年获西澳大利亚大学Gledden Senior Fellowship奖励,论文(于和邓2007)获领跑者5000收录。现任行业顶级期刊Canadian Geotechnical Journal 副主编,担任加拿大岩土工程协会土力学与基础工程分会主席(2023-2024),曾任阿尔伯塔加拿大华人教授协会(ACCP)主席(2020-2022)。

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