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三元名家论坛:Complementary products of a cyclic group and a dihedral group and their applications
作者:     供图:     供图:     日期:2024-04-10     来源:    

讲座主题:Complementary products of a cyclic group and a dihedral group and their applications

专家姓名:Young Soo Kwon

工作单位:Yeungnam University





For two groups H and K, if a group G satisfies (i) G=HK and (ii) H \cap K = {id}, then we call G a complementary product of H and K. A complementary product of a cyclic group and a group H can be considered with skew morphism of H and its extended power functions. In this talk, we consider complementary products of a cyclic group and a dihedral group. For a dihedral group D of order 2m with odd m, we classified complementary products of a cyclic group and D by classifying all skew morphisms of D and their extended power functions. In this talk, we will also consider full classification of complementary products of a cyclic group and a dihedral group. Using relation between complementary products of a cyclic group and a dihedral group and regul ar generalized Cayley maps on cyclic group, we classified regular generalized Cayley maps on cyclic groups. This is joint work with Istvan Kovacs and Kan Hu.


Young Soo Kwon,韩国岭南大学教授,国际知名的代数图论学者,韩国图论方向的领军人物,在地图理论和图的对称性研究方面做出了卓越贡献。

权教授毕业于浦项工大,之后在岭南大学工作,博士生导师。主持多项韩国自然科学基金以及中韩自然科学基金国际合作研究项目。在Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B、Journal of Graph Theory、Discrete Mathematics等国际著名期刊上发表学术论文60余篇。

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