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三元名家论坛:Investigating Physics Beyond the Standard Model using rare B meson decay
作者:     供图:     供图:     日期:2023-08-30     来源:    

讲座主题:Investigating Physics Beyond the Standard Model using rare B meson decay

专家姓名:M.Ali Paracha

工作单位:National University of Science and Technology, Pakistan

讲座时间:2023年8月31日 15:00-17:00




The Standard Model of Particle Physics which describes the behavior of subatomic particles and their interactions, has been extensively tested and confirmed through a wide range of experiments over several decades. Despite its success there are some unsolved mysteries which Standard Model can not address, such as hierarchy problem, Origin of mass specturm, nature of dark matter, lepton flavor non-universality etc. To address these unsolved mysteries one needs to go beyond the Standard Model.

In this talk we will discuss the angular decay distribution of the four-fold Bc → Ds∗(→ Dsγ)μ+μ−, and Bc → Ds∗(→ Dsπ)μ+μ− decays that proceed through b → sμ+μ− quark level transition. We use the model independent effective Hamiltonian with vector and axial vector new physics operators to formulate the angular observables and study the implications of different latest new physics scenarios, taken from the global fits to all the b → s data, on these observables. Furthermore in this talk we discuss the dark matter candidate via rare B meson decays.


Prof. Ali Paracha did his PhD under the supervision of Prof. Fayyazuddin and Prof. Riazuddin. He did his post doc from Univerdade Cruzerio do sul Sao Paulo, Brazil during the year 2013-2015. Currently he is serving as an Associate Professor at Department of Physics, School of Natural Sciences, National University of Sciences and Technology, H-12, Islamabad.

Also, he served as a visiting scientist for two months at Institute of High Energy Physics, Beijing during the years 2018 and 2019.

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