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三元名家论坛:Factorization for weak annihilation B-meson decays B介子弱衰变湮灭图的因子化
作者:     供图:     供图:     日期:2022-05-24     来源:    

讲座主题:Factorization for weak annihilation B-meson decays B介子弱衰变湮灭图的因子化



讲座时间:2022年5月29日 09:30-11:00




It is generally accepted that the exclusive two-body charmless bottom-meson decays are of fundamental importance for advancing our understanding towards diverse facets of the strong interaction dynamics governing the flavour-changing heavy-quark decay processes and for exploring the peculiar implications of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa mechanism for CP violation in electroweak interactions. In this talk I will report on the field-theoretical computation of the weak annihilation contribution to the non-leptonic B-meson decay by resolving the outstanding problem of eliminating the end-point divergences in the conventional soft-collinear factorization formulae, which is imperative to push forward the precision description of heavy quark hadron decay processes demanded by the dedicated flavour physics programme of LHCb and Belle II.


Prof. Yu-Ming Wang earned his PhD degree in physics from the Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS in 2009. Afterwards, he pursued his academic career at University of Siegen, Technical University of Munich,and University of Vienna as a postdoctoral researcher. He joined Nankai University as a full professor in 2016. Prof. Wang has been working on a variety of topics on the theoretical high energy physics, including Heavy Quark Physics and CP Violation, QCD Factorization, Radiative Corrections and Resummation Techniques, QCD Sum Rules, Light-Cone Distribution Amplitudes, Heavy-Quark Effective Theory, Soft-Collinear Effective Theory, Higgs Physics and New Physics beyond the SM. His major scientific achievements in heavy quark physics and QCD are widely recognized among the world-class experts, by virtue of the influential works on identifying the eigenfunctions of the Lange-Neubert evolution kernel for the HQET B-meson distribution amplitude, on the first-ever calculation of the non-factorizable charm-loop effect in FCNC B-meson decays and last but not least on accomplishing the two-loop computation of the key exclusive process of the photon-pion form factor for the first time.

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