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学术报告-Perfect codes and regular sets in Cayley graphs
作者:     供图:     供图:     日期:2021-11-17     来源:    

讲座主题:Perfect codes and regular sets in Cayley graphs



讲座时间:2021年11月22,24,29日及12月1日 14:00-15:00

讲座地点:Zoom ID:990698957 Password: 523461



Let G = (V, E) be a graph and t a positive integer. A perfect t-code in G is a subset C of V such that every vertex of G is at distance no more than t to exactly one vertex in C. Perfect t-codes in the Hamming graph H(n, q) are precisely q-ary perfect t-codes of length n in the classical setting, and those in the Cartesian product of a cycle of length q with itself n times are precisely q-ary perfect t-codes of length n under the Lee metric. Thus, perfect codes in Cayley graphs are a generalization of perfect codes under the Hamming or Lee metric. Moreover, perfect 1-codes in Cayley graphs are closely related to tilings of the underlying groups. Furthermore, perfect 1-codes can also be viewed as regular sets of a particular form. In this series of talks, I will review selected results on perfect codes and regular sets in Cayley graphs, with an emphasis on perfect 1-codes.


周三明教授是组合数学界的国际权威,现就职墨尔本大学数学与统计学院(北美体系的讲座教授Chair Professor),澳大利亚组合数学会主席。目前担任四个国际学术杂志编委,从2018年开始任澳大利亚组合杂志主编。由于数学研究上的突出成就,于2003年获国际组合数学及其应用学会Kirkman奖,2012-2015年获澳大利亚研究委员会“未来研究员”(Future Fellowship)称号,是该计划资助的少数几位组合数学家之一。四次获得澳大利亚研究委员会资助,资助总额达127万澳元。研究领域包括代数图论及其应用、随机图过程、结构图论、组合优化等,是国际上少数在代数图论和随机图过程这两个困难领域都有出色工作的组合数学家。在组合数学界所有重要期刊以及一些知名的综合数学杂志发表近百篇学术论文,与19个国家50多位数学家从事过合作研究。

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